mardi 15 mai 2012

Jour 254

 Un lundi comme un autre...

tee shirt gris vert
jeans ample 
collier en bois acajous et bois naturel
Bracelets en cuivre
ballerines noires

Journée sous le signe du rangement et des jeux avec Rose...  Rien d'extraordinaire à vous raconter du coup! Je ne me laisse pas abattre, je vais pouvoir me mettre à la couture au plus vite!

4 commentaires:

  1. How do I contact you? Couldn't find an email address on your site, could you email me so I can email you in response? I wanted to see if you wanted to do like a guest post (blog cross over) with me. I could cover my favourite Melbourne fabric shop and you could do your favourite French one and we could post them on each other's blogs! Or do one on each other's favourite drafting books or something sewing related). Let me know what you think!

    1. Hello!, I just sent an email! I hope to hear from you soon! miles thank you for all those nice words!

  2. you are absolutely adorable, girl! loving your style!
    xo TJ

    1. thank you! That's very kind enough to find a good shot of punch!
